About Nanu
We focus on improving well-being through product design.
Our products make time feel tangible by offering tactile experiences as an alternative to digital screens. Our goal is to cultivate a healthier relationship with time, whether reflecting on the past, staying present, or planning for the future.
Our Values
Nanu is a small, design-minded team based in San Francisco. We've always been fascinated with how certain objects make people feel. An old watch, a handmade mug, or the perfect tool. Each of these has a presence beyond its everyday function — a presence that gets stronger over time.
But as society encourages a disposable lifestyle, products refresh faster to drive repeat purchases. This way of thinking leaves our spaces filled with unmemorable transient items. Nanu exists to defy this trend. We believe in timeless design, tactile experiences, and environmental responsibility.

Designing The Chime
Check out more details on why and how we spent two and a half years designing a custom mechanical chime for Arc Alarm Clock.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we're offering our Minor Defect Nudge units at 20% off. It's our way of giving these cosmetically imperfect but fully functional Nudge pieces a second life while preventing needless waste.